Automated soldering and coating process on an assembly line of green circuit boards with electronic components

Foam seal

The choice for gaskets or seals in almost any shape or size.

Foam seal

Reijnen Sealing specialises in making seals for external clients by using polyurethane foam. The seals we produce are used in various branches, including: automotivelight technology, bio/medical, chemical, maritime and the consumer market.

Fully automated application of a PU gasket

We are able to apply a PU foam gasket or seal in almost any shape and size, and fully automatically. With our technology, the polyurethane seal is applied with vaporising robots. These robots can apply a small (2.5 mm) or an extremely large PU gasket (30 mm) on virtually any surface and in any shape.

The major advantage of this professional seal with a PU gasket is that the seal is applied directly onto the product. 

The result: optimum protection

A PU gasket results in optimum protection against moisture, dust, vibrations, and a range of chemicals.
For more information on this topic, please visit:

The work is carried out by TP Seal Solutions

Portrait of Ronald ter Steege, wearing glasses, a dark blue blazer, and a light patterned shirt, against a black background.

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